Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We had a great Easter holiday! We started the weekend before with Mom Mom and Pop Pop coming to visit. Cooper loved playing with them. We went shopping, played, went to Chili's and had chips and salsa..yum! Cooper was excellent all weekend. He slept pretty much the whole time at Chili's. We got to sit outside and he just settled into his little seat and took him a LONG nap. Now you know why I said in earlier posts we have a such a good boy!

Before they left, I told them I needed them to take a picture of the three of us. Of course there is a background story on this....

So we get a note from Cooper's teachers at daycare to bring in family pictures so they can hang up around the room for Cooper to see everyday. So I go through my photo album to try and find at least 1 picture with the three of us together. Luckily I had ONE! Can you believe this? I have TONS of pictures with just Eddie and Cooper, and I have some with me and Cooper (not as many as Cooper with Eddie - is this fair?) However, with it just being us three here, taking a picture of the whole family is pretty much impossible. So I had to send in the one picture I had of all three of us from Christmas. Cooper was 5 weeks old, I still look pregnant, all around not happy about the picture selection, so I was determined to get a family picture taken hence the dressing everyone up a week before Easter. Call me crazy I know...

So on Sunday before they left they took some pictures of our little family all dressed up for Easter.
Now onto Easter weekend. We (really meaning Eddie, but Cooper and I watched some) worked out in the yard on some flowerbeds in the back on Saturday. Then on Sunday we got up and got dressed again in our Easter outfits and headed to Church. Now we have taken Cooper to church before and he has been good. Sometimes he is better than others, but aren't we all? The first time Eddie had to keep taking him out because he was starting to whimper, but then after that we have been pretty lucky. But you never know, so I am always nervous. He was fantastic. So good in fact people sitting next to me leaned over and told me how good he was being and that her kids never would have sat there like he did when they were his age. Then about 10 minutes later, the lady sitting next to Eddie said the same thing to him about Cooper. Do we have an angel child or what? (Again very proud parents!) Eddie and I walked out of church feeling like great parents, knowing deep down inside it was pure luck that he was so quiet for those 50 minutes.

As we were walking out of church we wanted to stop and take some more pics. A very kind woman offered to take it of the whole family and we graciously accepted. After we said our thank yous and happy Easter she made the comment, what a big baby. If you read my prior post, this is a common thing when people see Cooper and we tell him that he isn't quite 5 months old. So off we went to enjoy the rest of our first Easter together as a family. Like I said earlier, we had a great Easter holiday!

So here are some of our pictures...Our family and Cooper LOVING his Easter card that his Aunt MS, Uncle Bob, Mary Kate and Jackson got sings Peter Cottontail. As you can see in the picture he loved "reading" it.

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