Tuesday, February 22, 2011

He can count

This is Cooper at the dinner table tonight.

He's counting the grapes on his dinner plate. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,7,8,9!!!!"

I mean that's how it goes right?

Also, another cute little update - Cooper has a little pillow now that he sleeps on. It's a little toddler pillow. We snuck in to check on him the other night and he's just laying on his back with his head on the pillow. As E says, "Like a real person, only smaller!" And yes he's still sleeping with a book instead of a paci. Whatever works people!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our weekend in photos

A conversation with Cooper

Cooper - he is a piece of work. For example, I went in to get him up on Friday morning.I say Good Morning Cooper! He responds, "Hey Babe." Hilarious. I figured I could try and write down all the funny things or just try and catch them on camera. I ended up doing both in this post. I still think you will enjoy.

Some funny comments he has been saying:
1. Not nice Daddy.
2. Let's watch Mickey Mouse, k.
3. Hey Babe.
4. What's that Mommy?
5. I ride in Mommy's car today, k?
6. Love that money.
7. That's terrible.
8. In response to "how do you hit'em?" - "long and straight" or "where do we hit'em?" "fairways and greens"
9. I play golf. 10. Ashley take my phone. (referring to a little girl in his class.)

There are so many more so we will continue to keep track. He's a funny little man.

Oh! And an update on the boo boo - we have been a week folks! No paci. Could it be? Is the paci gone? Amazing - he's been really really good. We only had one night that we gave in at like 2am. (wouldn't you???) Isn't it crazy - he's growing up. Next up big boy bed. I just am not ready. I am sure he is, but this mommy is not. So we will wait....until then Have a great week! If you need a laugh take a look at this video. Just a warning its a bit long.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Well, as I sit here and type Coop is sound asleep with NO paci! If I would have posted this afternoon, it would have been a different update. The boy was freaking out at nap time. After 1.5 hours of him screaming (don't worry we were with him), I gave in. I think the quote was - "Just give him the stupid paci".I thought our efforts were just wasted and we would have to start all over again. But my boy did good tonight. Instead of a paci he wanted to bring a book to bed with him. "Elmo's First Babysitter" in case you were wondering.

We also had another big event - he went pee pee in the potty!!! Big news folks.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Are you so proud?

All those pics that I promised have actually been posted!!! Well, I am proud.
I guess I should tell you I am proud more so of my boy. We are trying to get rid of "boo boo" or paci as most people know it. It pulls at my heart strings to take it from him. I mean it is his favorite thing and I am just taking it from me. We have cut the tips of them and he officially just went down for his first nap without boo boo. (Before you think, wow she must be good - he cried for a straight 30 minutes). Heart breaking right? Next up...big boy bed. First, lets see if we can make it a full week with no boo boo. I mean could you imagine - no boo boo AND a new bed. Wow I would not be sleeping for a week!

Well we are off. Tonight E and I are going out to dinner and a movie and Cooper is going to school for the night. I'm sure he will be mad at us. Hope for the best!

Christmas 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

2nd Birthday Pictures

So a recap of his 2nd birthday (and yes I realize now that it was 3 months ago).
Cooper again had 3 birthday parties.

1st bday party was at school on his actual birthday. Now if you know me you know that I do not believe in working or going to school on your birthday. However, my husband (who will never live this down) told me Cooper would like to go to school to have a bday party on his real birthday. I knew better, but I gave in. How awful is it that my boy turned two and I only spent a few hours with him. Don't worry Cooper, you will never have to go to school on your birthday again. (unless of course you yourself tell me you want to) The 2nd party was at home that night with his favorite dinner (chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes and cupcakes!). Cooper had so much fun blowing out the candles. We had to redo it 3 times! The last birthday party was after Thanksgiving. Both grandparents came in to town to spend the day with him. You know he loved all that attention. He hated to see them go. Here are all three parties in pictures....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Things to come

So I know the posts are random. I am trying to get caught up in pictures. Let's be honest - you really don't care what I write just as long as the pictures are cute. So my goal for this week/weekend is to get his bday pictures posted on here. I know you are on the edge of your seat...just hold on.

More Snow Pictures

I know the one in the Christmas outfit has nothing to do with snow - but he is just cute.

Just thought these were cute

Snow Pictures!!!!

This is Cooper trying out the "Rocket Ship" (a sled if you are a normal person).

He's a talker

My boy - he's started to become a talker. I (no shock to most of you) am a talker. My husband can be, but compared to me, not so much. (It's probably why we work! hah!) So I kept wondering, will Cooper be a talker? So on to my point...this morning I had to take Coop to school. He was watching Mickey Mouse and all of a sudden he just started chatting with me. Hey Mommy - Donald Duck is playing. Mommy look at that truck. Mommy give me some juice. I would ask him, Cooper what are they doing now and he would just describe it to me. Can I tell you how many times I would ask him and he would just ignore? I think the talkative genes are coming out in him. Cute right?

Oh in case you were wondering, Libby apparently bit Coop again today. Interesting that it happened after bath time on our way to bed. Crazy kid!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pop Pop wanted pictures...

There are so many more and promise to add them. But I am too sleepy....

Monday, February 7, 2011

If you give a pig a....

PANCAKE!Cooper loves this book. Tonight he wanted to read it to me. So we started, "if you give a pig a _____" and cooper would fill in the blank - Pancake! He completed the sentence on every single page. He knew the whole book. And recited it to me. I was amazed. We have been reading this series quite a bit lately, but who knew this kid was so good at memorizing the stories. He did the same for "Elmo loves you!"

We had tacos for dinner tonight and I think it is now Cooper's favorite. He ate two entire tacos. Much better that his normal dinner of a few grapes and milk. I wish I could just be satisfied with a few grapes for dinner!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's been awhile!

Where on earth have I been? Honestly, I'm not sure. Everywhere and anywhere besides the blog that's for sure. It's been a crazy few months. We have had multiple birthday parties for Cooper, Santa Claus came to town, work got crazy, and a couple of friends have had baby boys!

Cooper is really just a ball of fun right now. Well, I say that after we just went through an hour of him just crying for no good reason. Sounds bad right, but really he's just a two year old. And from what people tell me, that's what they do. Cooper is officially a big boy. By "official" I mean, when I ask him now, "Cooper - are you a big boy or a baby?" He now responds with, "Big boy mommy!" Tear!!!
However, I ask him, well if you are a big boy do you want to sleep in a big boy bed? "Oh no mommy, I sleep in my crib." Fine by me honestly. Think about it - he could get up and just walk around in a big boy bed. He would never sleep again.

So what else is new - oh here is a good one. Cooper is starting to blame everything on this poor little girl Libby in his class. Cooper what's wrong? Libby bit me. What? Libby isn't even here, we are at home. She bit me today. Really??? Fast forward to the next day I ask his teachers. Oh no he has not been bit. Cooper has just been into blaming things on kids in his class. Normally they say he blames someone that is not even close to the scene of the crime. (Seriously makes me wonder - I mean if you are going to make it up, make it believable Coop - come on!)

We have also been trying to take Cooper places on the weekends. I was starting to feel like we never do anything with him. The weekends have been crazy with work and trying to clean up , etc. (I know - everyone else is dealing with this too, but somehow doesn't it seem harder when its your problems?) So we have started to come up with ideas on things to do. Last weekend we took him to a kids museum here in Charlotte. He had a great time. We discovered something about him. He's timid. Another child would want something he was playing with and they would just take it from him and he wouldn't do anything to get it back. One kid just pushed him aside and he just went the other way. Eddie says he just doesn't want to waste his time dealing with it. But I could see me in him in that moment. As we walked out, I whispered to him, don't let anyone just walk over you Cooper. (I know probably bad parenting - I should have been proud that he wasn't the kid pushing everybody.) All in all though he had so much fun. Just playing with everything. And no - didn't take one picture. Left my camera at home. Again parents of the year here.
So this weekend we took Cooper to a Bobcats game. He loved it! He kept yelling "go bobcats!" When a time out would happen and the players would sit on the bench, he would ask, "where did the basketball players go?" Just adorable I tell you. Who knows what we will do in the coming weekends, but I will try and be better and post more on this blog.

So as you can see no pictures, but I will post them this week. Birthday party pics, Thanksgiving pictures, Christmas pictures!!! Very exciting!