Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Already playing hookie...

Well, we got our first phone call from daycare yesterday. They called me to let me know that Cooper was crying on and off all day and they were concerned. They just kept saying it is so unlike him to cry and it is a different cry, sounds like he is hurting. Of course my reaction was I will come get him right away. They told me that maybe I should try and see if his doctor would see him that afternoon. If not, Cooper could stay at school, but they really thought something was bothering him. So I get on the phone to basically beg for them to see Cooper. Of course every child in Charlotte is apparently sick on Mondays...who knew?!?! They said they could fit us in at 4:40pm but expect to be waiting a while. Not a problem, so off I went to get Cooper.

Wouldn't you know as soon as I walk in the room Cooper is just smiling at me. I go to pick him up and he grabs my face one hand on each side and pulls me in. I swear he just wanted to give me a kiss. Of course my heart melts at first. I get all of his stuff together and he is being a happy little baby. His teachers are amazed at the change and they just keep saying he was so fussy before. So I take him home to get ready for the doctor. All the while I do not hear any crying out of this child. We go to the doctor and nothing is wrong with his ears, but they are worried about how stuffy he is. The doctor said that probably he couldn't breathe and I quote, got him pretty ticked off. haha! He's 5 months old and is already getting ticked off. They told us to take more of the medicine we were already taking and let them know if it doesn't clear up in a week.

Now I probably should have told you for this 5 minute check up we were at the doctor's office for 1.5 hours....for a stuffy nose?

Honestly, I think Cooper had so much fun being at home this weekend that he wanted to extend it, so he decided to play hookie. Eddie said what a smart kid, he is learning already how to get out of school early. This can't be a good sign, can it?

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