Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Want to know the greatest idea ever?

DRY ERASE CRAYONS!!!! Even though they are great, they aren't so great when you find little pieces of art on your stairs, walls, rugs, etc. And yes, they do wipe away leaving no marks, but seriously we have been cleaning alot of these "art projects"! Oh Cooper - isn't he sweet?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Is it too soon?

So, let me explain. We have a little potty that sits next to Cooper's bathtub. He likes to sit on it and push the buttons to make it sing songs. We all stand there and sing together. We really just have it out to get him used to it so he isn't scared of it when the time comes. Well tonight after we sang the songs (multiple times I might add) he looked at the big potty pointed at it and wanted to sit on it. We sit him up there, he looks around and then he gets some toliet paper. And he was ready to get down. Seriously!!! Isn't it too soon for him to get this? He isn't even 2 yet! I told you - he is growing up.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

We had a great week and weekend!

Cooper had a great week. A little girl in his class had a birthday party. And she gave everyone these. Can you tell he loved them???? He wouldn't take them off! Even to go to bed!

He also loved his new outfit we got him while we were down in Vero.

This weekend we had lots of fun. We went to the Matthews Farmers Market. It was so HOT. However, Cooper loved walking around staring at all the people. We didn't bring his stroller we just let him walk along with us. And honestly I think he just loved the fact he wasn't strapped into a stroller. He could careless about the vegetables, but he did love the berry lemonade they had. Haha!
Today we got up and went to church and then went to the Club for breakfast. At church it was hilarious. We finished singing a song and Cooper yells "YAY!" and starts clapping. Isn't he funny! He must have really liked that song.

After that we went to Lowes to pick out some flowers then the grocery store. Needless to say Cooper was exhausted and ready for a nap. After nap, we filled up the baby pool and hung around outside in the pool (once it cooled off a little).

I know it sounds pretty boring, but really it was great. We were all together and just hanging out. Cooper is growing up so fast and becoming such a sweet little boy. We got compliments from a couple of people how well behaved Cooper was. It's amazing to me to think how little he was and how he has gotten to be such a big boy. Makes me sad, but at the same time he is so much fun right now. As he learned to say today, "Nice!" Hahah!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Week in Photos

What better way to explain our week than with photos instead of words. Because honestly do you want to read it or see pictures of the cutest little boy ever?
That's what I thought.