Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pictures from our trip

Here are a few pictures from our recent trip to Vero.


Today he had his school pictures...take a look.

Yesterday, the little man got to wear his Halloween costume for the first time at the EY Halloween party. Eddie took him and he was great and oh so adorable. Take a look at how cute...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cooper and Mommy

Eddie has been out of town, so it has just been me and Cooper the past few days. How single parents do it - I have no idea. But Cooper has been my little protector. So thank you sweet baby.

I have gotten to experience dropping Cooper off the past few mornings. So Cooper here's a little note to you-

Sweet Cooper - I have seen how much you love to show Mommy what you do when you get to school. You looked so proud as you walked to your teacher Ms. Vanessa and took her hand to pull her over to the sink, where you walked up those two steps and turned on the water. Mommy is so proud of you and I love you very much. You are my little honey bear and you always will be.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cooper's Day at the farm!

Today we went to Riverbend Farm about 30 minutes away from Charlotte to find Cooper's very first pumpkin for Halloween. We had such a great time. We saw animals (ponies, goats, buffaloes, cows to be exact), went on a tractor ride, and found some great pumpkins! Cooper loved every second of it. It's funny to see how he will react to these new experiences.

This is where I see so much of Eddie in him. At first he sat back and just observed - no expressions just checking things out. Once he got comfortable he was jabbering, playing, letting everyone know how good a time he was having. He made some friends on the tractor ride back to the farm after pumpkin picking. The little girls played peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake the whole nine yards. Cooper just ate it up. He's a little flirt I tell you! He had on his adorable outfit on to pick out some pumpkins (apparently it's a little girly - I completely disagree, but we had to correct a few people today that yes in fact Cooper is a boy.) Seriously people look at him - he is ALL boy!

Cooper is also walking up a storm. Really that is all he wants to do - get up and walk. We went out in the yard to play. By play - Cooper thought this meant picking up leaves and fallen pecans and eating them. Needless to say he was very messy when we came inside. Cooper is starting to pull away from us if we are holding his hand and go off on his own. He's growing up! Take a look...

I have more - I will have to update tomorrow.

Thank you Ms. Lauri!

Cooper says thank you for the cute halloween t-shirt!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ahhhh Fall...

It was definitely fall weather here in Charlotte this weekend. It was beautiful. Even better - a healthy baby boy! However, it was a sad day in the Holland household on Saturday - first Clemson and then my Seminoles just didn't have it together. Cooper did have a good time hanging out with Dad watching football. Look how adorable my two boys look - On Sunday we got up and went to Church. It was a little cooler, so we had to find an outfit for Cooper to wear. Thanks to his cousin, Jackson, Cooper had a cute navy Polo shirt to wear with his vest. Seriously doesn't he look like such a little man. I could just eat him up!

Eddie took Coop to the Doctor this afternoon to check his ears and if they were clear to get a flu shot. Finally, the baby boy does not have any infections in his little ears. Thank goodness! So he was able to get the flu shot. Eddie said he whimpered and then was fine. No crying! I am so impressed. I probably would have been crying my eyes out, not Cooper! It's going to be a busy week at work so not sure how much I will be able to update you, but I will try my best. Next weekend we are hoping to make it over to the mountains to see the leaves and then go to a pumpkin patch! Sure to have stories from that! Have a great week!