Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Updates on the Little Man!

I don't have any pictures for you on this post, but I have lots to catch you all up on. Cooper has been very busy the past few weeks. You have seen his attempts at walking and his clapping, but so much more has been going on. Here's a few recaps:
  • School - Cooper is now officially the second oldest baby in his class! He started as the youngest baby by a few months. And now he is one of the oldest. He is growing up so fast, it makes me teary just thinking about it. We are interested to see if his new "tricks" slow down because there aren't many older babies to learn from. We will let you know. Here's a funny Cooper story for you. I went to pick him up the other day and Cooper was the last baby. (Side note - Mom, I am sorry for always complaining about being the last kid to be picked up - It's hard to try and get everything done and make it on time!) The ladies were telling me that Cooper had them rolling with laughter. Apparently Cooper likes to steal other babies' pacifiers. Cooper wears a paci clip so he always has access to a paci. Well, he was crawling and dragging his along and saw another baby's paci drop to the ground - he trucks it over drops his paci and steals the other baby's. Oh Cooper! You are so bad.
  • Clothes - Ok I have an assignment for everyone. Please take a gander through the baby's clothing section of any department store and take note. The girls section makes up approximately 75% of the options. The other 25% is for the little boys. However, apparently it is a requirement for little boys clothing in order for them to be in the store they must have one of the following: dogs, trucks, trains, dinosaurs, some type of sport ball or some other random animal. Why? What if I don't want all of Cooper's outfits to be covered with animals or tractors? Cooper has been growing so fast, its hard to keep up with him in the clothes department. I have been on a search to find him some cute outfits to wear to church and to wear to school. By cute I mean a little nicer than just a plain t-shirt and gym shorts. It's impossible - so please take my assignment and let me know if I am wrong. If I am, please report what store you found more options in.
  • Food - We have been trying to move Cooper to table food. They told me at school we needed to start trying. We have been ordering off the menu at his school for a couple of weeks. They say he eats great at school. Ummm not so much at home. I know its me. I am doing something wrong. Problem is I don't know what that is. We have tried pears, peaches, peas, carrots, broccoli, mac n cheese and chicken. He hasn't done terrible, but nothing spectacular. However, tonight he did great!!! Every time he took a bite Eddie or I or both would clap and say YAY! He loved it. And ate! Maybe he just needed some encouragement! Don't we all? I have found 1 thing he absolutely LOVES....graham crackers. I mean eats it up. And begs for more. I know I know - he should be eating fruit or veggies. But I am so darn proud he can do it I keep giving them to him. Also, he smells so yummy after he eats them. Laugh if you want, but when I go to clean his face and his hands they smell like yummy graham crackers...such a little boy. Makes me smile.

Well, I know this was long and maybe you didn't make it all the way through - but I have said earlier this is basically my baby book. I need this in writing! Have a great day!

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