Saturday, August 1, 2009

He said it!

It is official and I had to log on and record it. "MaMa" He distinctly said it. Nothing else just looked at me and said "MaMa". Oh and you know my heart melted. Seriously this kid - if he only knew. However, he does know. I was feeding him lunch. We are moving to stage 3 foods that have little bits of food in it to get used to new textures. (Needless to say Cooper + new things = no fun.) Cooper isn't much for change. (I did say Cooper and yes he is just like his dad.) We were having green beans, which he loves, with rice in it, which he apparently does not love. I was being very patient and smiling and doing everything I could and then he just wasn't having it. He starts slapping my hand away and sprays green beans everywhere. Now I know babies do this. But if you could have seen the look on his face. It was just like he was saying, "Listen lady I am not eating this so go away." Well, I couldn't have that, so I told him no Cooper we do not throw food. If you do it again we are going to have some problems. Wouldn't you know he pauses, looks at me, then throws it again. I raised my voice a little and there it started - with those big eyes just glaring at me - "MaMa". You can imagine how the rest of this went knowing how spoiled this boy is. But come on, he said it and straight at me. Isn't he just an angel? Hehehe!

1 comment:

  1. yay.... so much fun! I enjoy the updates.. it makes me feel like we are keeping i touch.. though you are so far away!

