Sunday, July 31, 2011

So basically my kid is smart...

No seriously, he is. Here's my proof.

Example #1
He can read all of Green Eggs and Ham. By "read" I mean he has memorized the entire book in order. We have been struggling with naptime and bedtime. By struggling I mean Cooper refuses and we don't know what else to do. So we have started to give him his books and tell him that he needs to read the books to his stuffed animals. And boy does he...every single word. His favorites are Green Eggs and Ham and Marvin K. Mooney. I will say we have read these to him maybe 4 times before he started "reading" them by himself. (told you - he's smart!)

Example #2
He remembers/listens to everything.

We took some shoes back to a store today. We were having the new shoes shipped to Pop Pop at his store. Cooper was sitting in his stroller eating lollipops, while I dealt with the salesperson. I explained everything thinking that Cooper wasn't listening. We come home and tells E in detail what happened like this...

We took pop pop's shoes back to the man because they had a tear in the back. He is shipping them to Pop Pop at his store. Oh and I saw the fishies. (there is a big fish tank at nordstrom)

Also, as I was battling with him over naptime I told him to come get me when he wanted to be a good boy again. About 20 minutes pass. He opens his door and says, "Mommy I going to be a good boy now." So I walk in and I asked what does that mean. He replies, "I going to lay in my bed like you asked." Then he proceeds to tell me this, "My daddy just tells me I have to lay down. He says (yelling) lay down right now! So I going to be a good boy and lay down. K mommy?"
Ok Cooper...

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