Monday, May 16, 2011

Terrible Two's

Wow - You hear about it all the time, but wow! Terrible two's at its finest - that is where we are at with Cooper right now. He's like a different kid. At any point in time he could be hugging on you and saying, "Hi Mommy how are you today?" to "No Mommy I not like that. I want to be by myself. Go away!" Seriously kid?

And heaven help us if we tell him he can't have something. You should cover your ears for the screams that will follow. At one point yesterday I just sat down on the ground looking at him while he just screams. One thing we have figured out, is yelling at him does not work - but you know what kind of works? Ignoring him. He hates being ignored (Finally a quality of mine shining through!). To the point where he will stop screaming and just cry hugging your leg. It's the only way you can get him to calm down enough to have a conversation with him.

So please think about us - it is going to be a test of our parenting. Gosh I hope we don't screw this up.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mickey Mouse Underwear

It's official. We are really trying to potty train. We have tons of big boy underwear - mickey mouse, thomas the train, spiderman... you name it we have it. We tried yesterday, but we went to a few places so diapers had to be used, so it couldn't officially be started. But today, oh today, we hunkered down at home. We started with Thomas underwear - he stayed dry for an hour going once on the potty. Then he wanted to change to Mickey Mouse so we did. Wet within 20 minutes, change again to Spiderman - wet within 10 minutes. I was feeling pretty defeated. I even said wow this is going to be so hard - and that's when poor spiderman got peed on. I could tell he felt defeated too. He kept saying I sorry spiderman, I not do it again. So I asked do you want more underwear or a diaper, "Diaper" he responds. Thinking to myself - I am going to be terrible at this - Diaper it is. But he went down for nap with a diaper, and when he woke up I thought we are going to try this again. Wouldn't you know he stayed dry all afternoon! I am so proud. I'm sure going to school will mess us up, but we will continue trying while we are at the house. Then Memorial Day weekend we will really work on it seeing how we will be home for 4 days straight.

Just so I remember this - we rewarded him with Thomas the Train stickers. He picked one out and got to put it on his chart on the fridge himself. He was so proud of himself. He would say "Yay for me! I did it!" and jump up and down clapping. During the afternoon, the only way I could get him to stop playing and go was to say that I had to go and needed him to come with me. Sure enough it worked! Oh and the added incentive of 1 Thomas sticker for the chart and 1 Mickey Mouse sticker for his hand. Whatever works people!

Truth be told - I will miss diapers. They are so easy. I can't figure out why people hate them so much. But he is growing up. I can't hold him back because it inconveniences me (or just makes me sad because it means he is no longer a baby).

Cooper has been great through lots of transitions - bottle to sippy cup - sippy cup to regular cup - crib to toddler bed - formula to milk - I mean seriously I think I just expected this to just happen. I think I may be in for a challenge. But hey that has never stopped me before!

Friday, May 6, 2011

It made my heart hurt...

It was one of those days. You know the ones - where you try so hard and you can't do anything right. Plus, you are late to everything. So today was my day.
I had meetings pretty much all afternoon. On top of all that Cooper's class was having a Mother's Day Tea at 3:15pm and I am running late. 20 minutes late. I literally run through downtown to get to him. I walk in (complete with sweat dripping down my face) and there he is, bawling in the corner. "I want my mommy." Then I hear the teacher say, "I promise she will be here." And that's when it started - my heart hurt. Then he sees me and just starts crying harder. He didn't know if I was coming like all the other mommies. Just awful. Grade for being a mom today - F. Failure. Who knew you could feel this terrible for being late?

Cooper - I am so sorry. I will sometimes be late. Not because I want to be late, but because it is out of my control. If I say I will be there, I will little man. I promise. I will make tons of mistakes, but I will never forget you.

On another note, its E and I's 5th anniversary. Five wonderful years. To quote my mom, "You have been married 5 years and you have a 2 year old, sounds pretty perfect to me." Oh it is. It is perfect. So here's to us celebrating The Holland Family!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter to everyone...a week or so late...oh well.

He loved the candy and play time. The hiding eggs and finding them, yeah he got bored after finding like 2 eggs. Typical boy. But my boy in a navy blazer - how sweet does he look?

Big Boy Bed

Look at this folks! Yup - toddler bed time. These are the pictures once he woke up from his first night in the bed.

Just in case you were wondering -

1. I didn't shed a tear until I had to pack away the crib bumper - baby officially gone.
2. This "big change" had more of an effect on me than him. It has not changed one thing about his sleeping. Mine on the other hand - I am still struggling with it. This is big! He's in a big boy bed, shouldn't he get it - nope! :-)
3. He has not tried to get out of his yet. I say yet because let's face it, once he figures it out, it's all over.
4. Official date of moving over to the big boy bed April 29, 2011. Tear....

Sunday, May 1, 2011


We had an awesome time visiting the Asheboro Zoo with the Opars. It was a chilly/windy day, but that didn't stop Coop. He was so tired by the end of the day, the little man just gave out in the stroller...take a look.