Thursday, July 16, 2009

He's 8 months old today!

Can you believe it? I can't. He will be 1 year old in 4 months - where did the time go? Our little man is 8 months old. He is crawling EVERYWHERE and fast, pulling up trying to stand on his own. He is doing so much! Funny story for you ....

I went to pick up Cooper from school today and his teacher was telling me that a new baby is starting on Monday, a little boy, Andrew, just a few days older than Cooper. Yippee! Cooper will have a friend his age in his class. Then she told me that he wasn't able to do any of the things Cooper could, all he could do was sit up. The mom was hoping Cooper could show him his "tricks". Haha! Isn't that cute? However, his teacher followed that up by saying "You really need to start him on table food." I know I really do - It's me that is holding him back. He gags on EVERYTHING that is new. We can thank Eddie and his picky eating for that. But the gagging makes me nervous. Is he choking, faking, what? I told his teacher ok we can start working on it. Then she says well you know the new little boy is eating table food and we don't want him to pass Cooper up on something! HAHA. It was so cute - she wanted to Cooper to keep his top dog status in the class.

Well, I apologize again for the lack of posts. I have been working a ton and I am exhausted - so off to bed I go. I will give you more recaps this weekend!

Oh - Pop Pop here's a picture of a future store employee...Make sure you tell Penny and Diane he loves all of his shirts!

And one last picture - I just think he looks adorable!

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