Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I'm back!

It's been a while. A long while actually. I mean August 18th - I have been a terrible blogger huh? Here's a quick recap about what has been going on around here the past two months:
1. Cooper is potty trained! He is such a big boy (only a month away from being 3 years old - keep an eye on my people I may have a breakdown).
2. We bought a new house. It's great, but it is so much work buying a new house. Why do we forget things like that?
3. We have redone all the floors on the first floor and our kitchen has been gutted. Major changes to come!
4. Cooper moved up to a new class at school. This is like real pre-school. We are talking big kid playground, chapel, computer class, a dude-dance class, music class, and circle time.
5. Cooper has started to wrestle at school. Each morning before school we have to go through the list - "Cooper- at school today No wrestling, no kicking, no hitting and no crying.

Baby boy is growing up and it is so scary, but so great at the same time. For example, tonight Cooper and I had a date. We went to dinner just us. And we chatted. We talked about his day, what show he wanted to watch before bed and what we were going to do this weekend. It was fun! Mainly we talked about how he wrestled with Lucas at school today and had to go to time out, but it was just us chatting. Cute right?

I will add pictures soon...

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