Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since I have written, so I thought I would share some cute stories from this week.
It is coming up on Cooper's 1st birthday. As many of you may or may not know, I do not believe you should have to work (or go to school) on your birthday. Seriously, don't you all agree. It's your birthday! You should celebrate, not work. So Monday none of us will be attending work or school to celebrate the little man's 1st birthday. I wanted to make sure he got to have a birthday party at school, so we are having it tomorrow. It will be during their snack time around 3:15pm. We will have cupcakes, goody bags, birthday hats, and juice. Now the cupcakes..... I was planning on making cupcakes and taking them to his class. So I made sure I picked up Cooper early today so that I could get home in time to bake the cupcakes and have them cool to ice them later in the night. As I was explaining (or complaining) to Eddie that it is going to be a time constrained evening due to this, he says why don't you just buy them. That's when it started...the mommy guilt. Here's how the conversation went down:
E: Just buy them, they will never know.
K: Ughhh I can't buy them. What mom doesn't have time to make their son cupcakes for his FIRST birthday party at school?
E: Seriously they won't know, it will be ok.
K: You just don't get it. Moms and Dads are so different.
E: Guess that's why everyone should have one of each.
K: Guess so.
Move to me picking Cooper up. I check out his report for the day, highlighted in bold - Cupcakes must be store bought. Ahhh excellent.

My other fun story for the day is on our way home Cooper was getting a little fussy. So we turned on one of his videos that had a song on it. I started waving my hands in the air to get him to dance along. The boy looked at me like I was crazy. It's moments like this that all I can think this baby is a remake of Eddie. I wish I could have had a camera. It was the look of a little boy completely confused by the fact that his mom was waving her arms around like a crazy person. Hey - it calmed him down so mission accomplished.

That's all for now. I will post pictures of the birthday party at his school tomorrow. There are sure to be some cute ones.

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