I apologize for not posting lately. There have been numerous things that have trumped blogging (ear infections - both me and cooper :-(, work, a baby that hasn't been sleeping). But I am back, and I am going to be better. I promise.
Let me catch you up. Cooper started in his new class and loves it. He has been walking more and more and has started to let go on his own now. Clemson football has started so Cooper and I have are starting our Saturday dates while Daddy watches his team. (Please note - his team, not mine. Go SEMINOLES!) Our Labor Day was not too exciting. Cooper had a double ear infection and was NOT a happy baby. We did take him to a town festival or tried to. He just was not feeling well, so we walked around for a few minutes and then headed home. Cooper hasn't been to school too much in the past week, so not any stories from there. However, he will be going back tomorrow, so this week I am sure I will have something fun to share. I will share with you that the teacher's at Cooper's school (not just his classroom) LOVE him. I mean rave about him when we pick him up. It makes me so proud. What a good boy.
Instead of stories I will share pictures from the past couple of weeks. Hopefully, this will make up for my lack of posting.
Here is Cooper sitting on the front steps. He is trying to pull the flowers off to eat them.
Here is Cooper with his new friend, Mr. Scarecrow. He loves him! He likes to talk to him. Maybe they understand each other. You never know :-)
Cooper found a new toy, the laundry basket.
Here is Cooper being a big boy and drinking his milk out of a sippy cup instead of a bottle. However, he takes a sip and then spits it out. Lovely...
Cooper and his first bite of spaghetti. He actually really liked it. You know what he liked even more, a piece of bread. The boy LOVES bread. All kinds, biscuits, garlic bread (per school), plain white bread, anything!
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