(side note - every time I take Cooper to the Doctor and he has something the nurses always say things like - well you know daycare babies - it's not the words its the tone. I want to say look I feel guilty enough on my own - don't need your help.)
They tell me to look out for rashes on his hands, feet and diaper area. If the fever is still there by the end of the week we need to come back. Oh and no medicine - just Motrin. Great.
So we keep Cooper out of school because I don't want Cooper to be the spreader of this, plus with a fever we weren't able to go anyway. I am very grateful both Eddie and I have jobs where it is flexible enough to work from home. Let's be honest, staying home with a sick baby does not involve ANY work related items. So we think Cooper is better on Thursday, but just to be safe we thought let's keep him home one more day and then send him back on Friday. Well, Thursday night was not pretty. Then finally we all decide to just give it up and get up for the day. This is when we discover spots ALL over Cooper. Nothing on his hands and feet like they said, his WHOLE body. Well, no school for you Cooper yet again. So we head back to the Doctor Friday morning. The rash is just the same virus they diagnosed before, but now we had another ear infection. (hence the no sleeping) I mean really?!?! This poor baby just can't catch a break.
We are doing better now - still not sleeping great, but one can hope. I figured for writing so much I should probably put some pics/videos to show you Cooper's advanced walking skills. We are so proud. Now in return - can everyone please hope that Cooper gets better soon? Please!
Here are some pictures of Cooper caught in the act of his new favorite thing to do - open up the cabinets and take things out. (oh and put everything in his mouth)
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