Tuesday, August 10, 2010

That's my boy

My boy - he's so smart, funny, kind, sweet, crazy, wild, and oh so lovable. I have so much to share that I get sidetracked and just want to soak it all in - so I post nothing. However, during a conversation at work I was reminded that one day my boy will grow up and he won't want to hug me, give me a kiss, or even be seen with me (unless he needs something). It made me sad. He is my boy - always and forever. I hope I always remember this sweet face and how at night he tells me, "Nigh Nigh Mama. I lub yewww." So instead of getting sidetracked - I will post pictures of my boy...
Why play with only one club?

What's he doing you ask? Playing "goss" of course.

Oh here? Teeing up the ball silly...(no neither of us told him or asked him to do this. He thought of it all on his own - please reread first line - smart boy I tell you.)

What's this on your hand Cooper? What happened?

Oh of course - why wouldn't you have ink from AN INK PAD all over your hand? (again reread first line - crazy folks)

Oh now you are bored with the ink pad so why don't you just sit in your seat and snap your self in?

Oh can't get it snapped when you are sitting in it, so hop down and try.

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