Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cooper's First College Football Game


Sadly it was not a FSU game. (Don't worry - everyone who knows me knows I would not let Cooper grow up to be anything but a FSU fan, but we go to support Daddy - so keep smiling.)

Actually he did great. He LOVED tailgating. He loved walking up into other people's tailgates and staring at them. Honestly, it was hilarious. I mean come on. He's 1. He doesn't understand that staring at people isn't the nicest thing to do. He did make a couple of friends while we were tailgating and he was interrupting them and they came over to play. They actually had a little brother a couple of months older than Cooper, named Cooper! So they really thought it was fun to play with a little boy named the same thing as their brother.

Then came the game. There was some drama getting into the game - note to self don't bring a bookbag that just has diapers in it to afootball game. They won't let you in. Then we couldn't get to our seat due to all the people. Finally, we got to our seats and Cooper wasn't phased one bit. He had a few laughs, some clapping, a few touchdown moves and then the second quarter started. And Cooper fell asleep. No joke - sound asleep. What a sweet baby boy.

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