Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Let's start with a little background....

As you all may know, Eddie and I welcomed our little boy, Cooper, into this world on November 16, 2008. It is crazy to think that tomorrow he will be 5 months old. These past 5 months have flown by, but they have been by far the best and most exhilarating 5 months of our lives.

Cooper has a smile that brightens each and every day. He is a happy baby. We are extremely lucky. Eddie and I are constantly saying how lucky we are that he is such a good boy. As we were saying this the other day, I said to Eddie, "You realize what this means don't you?" And he quickly responds, "Yes, he will probably be a terrible toddler!" ha ha...We can hope he maintains the "good boy" status forever.

Along with being a happy baby, he is a big baby. Now I say this with a huge smile (proud mommy I know), but at the last doctor visit as Cooper is smiling at the doctor and we are discussing his progress (or lack there of in the rolling over department), the doctor says oh so nonchalantly, "Well, you know these big babies have a harder time rolling over than other babies." "Big baby" - that's Cooper! Cooper must have heard this and got offended, because wouldn't you know we wake up a week later with Cooper sleeping on his tummy. Well done my big baby!

The latest and greatest of Cooper milestones is as follows:
1. Laughing - Check ...ALL the time
2. Smiling - Check...He knows how to make our heart melt
3. Rolling over from back to front - Check...Showed you Dr. Dorsey!
4. Rolling over from front to back - I am checking this one off. He's done it once, that counts right?
5. Sleeping through the night - Check...Thank goodness he crossed this one off a long time ago. Good boy!

If I think of anymore I will update you all. Hope you are enjoying the blog.

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