I know I have so much to catch everyone up on. His 3rd birthday, life, etc. but I needed to write this down today so I can compare each of these stories as they happen. Apparently with boys I need to be prepared to do this again....
So it happened. Cooper busted his head open at school. December 1, 2011 a day I will never forget. We were up and going on time this morning. E dropped Coop off at school around 8:20am and I was sitting at my desk when the phone rang at 8:55am. As I answered and heard it was daycare my heart sank. Something happened. I knew it. And that's when she told me. "Cooper fell and hit his head on a bookcase. He's ok but I think you need to get down here and take him to the doctor." I was out the door at 8:56 leaving all my stuff behind but my purse. I called E to have him call the doctor's office because I am not sure I could have gotten the words out. As I walked in his class I kept telling myself not to freak out or more importantly cry because he was already crying and clearly updset. No need to make it worse. So I just held him. I was scared to look. I mean I am wimp folks. A big one! We got out of there and called E to tell him he needed to come by the school. At that point we had an appointment with the doctor, but had time to come home and try and calm him down. I was hoping it just looked worse than it was and no stitches were needed. WRONG!
The doctor says, "That's a pretty good one, we need to get him sewn up." He explains the stitches and walks out to get everything they need. That's when it hit me, this guy is going to stick a needle in my baby's head (wimp remember?). So I start to cry. I try and pull it together before the Doctor walks back in. Then I have to hold him down. Could there be a more horrible feeling than having to hold your child down while the doctor is hurting him??? The answer is no by the way.
The shots to numb the area started and my tears are flowing as are Cooper's along with his screams. Then he pulls out a STAPLE GUN! I am not kidding. He stapled my baby's head back together. What the heck happened to stitches??? E tells me, "Well at least it was faster." Yeah I am not so sure that makes me feel any better. He stapled my baby's head!
The whole thing lasted maybe 2 minutes. Longest 2 minutes of my life. After he was done Cooper sat up and I held him. Then he starts chatting with the doctor like everything was fine. Clearly he doesn't hold grudges like his mom. The doctor started explaining what happens next and I couldn't hear a word he was saying. Why you may ask? Was I still sobbing? No. Was Cooper still screaming? No. I was so angry at him for putting staples in my baby's head without telling me that is what he was going to do. Anger. Burning Anger. But I couldn't express it I had my baby in my arms with staples in his head. We needed to go home. So we did.
Cooper had fun playing at home like his normal self. Now he says his head broke, but the doctor "bang, bang" (the staples going in) put him back together.
I am ready for a new day. Today was not good.