Wanting to catch the blog up to current day...just to warn you no pictures on this post, but pictures are coming. Going back a few weeks Mom Mom and Pop Pop came to visit Cooper and to go to the golf tournament. Cooper was so excited when they pulled up. Everything Cooper did he wanted Pop Pop and Mom Mom to be there. For example, we would bring Cooper up for a bath. He would look down the stairs, around the corner looking for where they both were. Then he would start calling them, "pop pop, mom mom". I loved it - how could I not.
They kept him home on Friday while Eddie went to work and I went to the golf tournament. Needless to say - I am pretty sure Cooper did whatever he wanted. When Mom Mom tried to put him down for nap, he convinced her that wasn't necessary by signing to her and talking to her. Cooper - what an excellent negotiator. Cooper won...he napped when he was ready...much much later. He was very sad when they had to head back home. He still will randomly look around the corner, go in the guest room looking for Pop Pop and Mom Mom. And each time my heart breaks that we aren't closer.
Then on Saturday we headed down to Ware Shoals to see Reid play baseball. Cooper was a little angel (minus the running all around the baseball field whenever he felt like it). He had so much visiting and exploring new places. On our way home I even made the comment that we are so lucky to have such a great baby boy. (Yes he is still a baby in my world and will always be.)
You know that means I spoke too soon right. On Sunday the spoiled child came out in FULL FORCE. We went to church and Cooper was wild. He would not sit still, he kept yelling out. At one point I was in the back with him and the preacher walked by. Clearly I was trying to look like I had it all under control - all the while knowing I looked like a crazy person that didn't know what to do. He just laughed and I just smiled back. At that point I looked at Cooper and said this is enough and we walked outside. The rest of the day was more of the same. Just when I think man we have this down...we have a day like Sunday. Love you Cooper for reminding me that this is not easy!